Tuesday, December 4, 2007

1 Class Meeting Remaining

Yup, just 1-week of classes remaining after tonight's meeting with Dr. S. Schechter. Another day closer...! It is most certainly going to feel really good after this wknd. when work is all over, %99.9 of academic assignments are complete, and the light at the end of the tunnel will be reached. I will finish my integrated unit later on today, wrap all most loose ends regarding 502 work later tonight and on into Thursday, utilize Saturday for completing Xtra credit assignments and then have Monday-Wednesday of next week for that last paper. An 8-pg. piece, NOT a book review, and NOT a biography but a historiographical essay on Ben Franklin. Historiographical meaning what do scholars have to say about the life of this man. How is he perceived in history? What methods do the author's use to account for their findings and are on they on the mark, are they significant by any means, what new questions do they raise...? Ahhh, the wonders of S. Schechter's historiographic essay...

Tonight in 511 I completed my PowerPoint presentation that was leftover from the previous week. I thought it went well but hoped when it was all said and done that I did not portray the Alternative Program where I have completed a fair amount of my observation hours in too much of a negative light. That was not my intentions. It really is a wondeful place and one that I feel I may have something to offer to students who meet those needs. Anything else on that would be considered "jumping the gun". I gues I am suppose to be happy with whatever job offers I receive my rookie year. Well, maybe that will be the case and maybe it won't. It hasn't seem to ever be the case for my personality yet in my 30 years so I doubt it will start when I'm entering the teaching profession.

A tad after 1am so I am about to venture to that cold and lonely pillow calling out for me across the room. You know, maybe I'm starting to enjoy writing in this blog daily. It's a good tool to clear my thoguhts on what has been accomplised today and what needs to be accomplised tomorrow. Maybe an experiment for me will be to blog daily during the upcoming academic break...those topics assuredly would get interesting.

Next blog there will be no academic chatter...I'll make it more personalized...

Till then...

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