Sunday, December 2, 2007

Let it snow, let it snow...let it snow...

i am experiencing a very proud moment here where i am holding strong to my word and posting for a second time in as many days. good job mark! i'm finding myself back at work on yet another sunday evening and it is undoubtedly one that i wish i was home, curled up under a blanket, with some good munchies and zero academic responsibilities! soon enough, soon enough. in the meantime, it is quiet here tonight...and with the expected bad weather (hopefully) rolling in anytime now, it will remain this way. especially since my brainstorming last evening wasn't all that productive. what i did come up with regarding my unit plan for 511 is that i would like to conceptualize a unit in a area of my content where i am not all that strong (or confident)...for example, maybe world religions or The Roman Empire...??? something that will be more of a challenge than my usual approach to these assignments being focused around areas of strength such as Colonial America, Native Americans, or the Revolutionary Period...all stuff i love dearly but am very familiar (and confident) with!

now, with that said...let's cover todays thought! i have been in contact within the past hour or so with two very close friends, both local educators and they are both sharing these emotions of excitement, wonder, curiosity, and hope that they will both find themselves tomorrow at 630am not having to dig out a car and sludge their way to there schools. it is really hilarious listening to them! it has been almost a full year and a half since i have been employed by a school district but i do recall these nights, especially those falling on either a Thursday or Sunday, both providing for the potential of an "extended weekend". once or twice, i may even recall having to go to bed wearing my sleep garb inside-out, at least that is what my 6th graders at the time told me to do...??? anyways, just a minor, but very humoruous observation that teachers find themselves on these nights almost in more anticipation than their students when it comes to snow days...!!!

Good luck to all who are hoping, wishing, and falling asleep tonight with their pj's on inside-out that tomorrow brings that ever so exciting "day off from school".

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