Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Well now, let's see...I have spent the last 5+ hours working on my integrated unit plan and have on the checklist (rubric) just about half done. Although I feel that the first half is by far the most in content, especially the rationale (and writing out all those standards)! I have to admit that I veered from my original plan of challenging myself and building a unit around an area that I was not all too comfortable with. Not that I wasn't up for the challenge! I simply finding myself very stressed over the amounts of academic work I need to complete over the next week and was just too worried about time. I am finished with the unit plan for now but will come back to it tonight after the gym, which will be after class of course!

anyways, some random thoughts. my plan is based around the Revolutionary Period. by far my favorite in American History. Makes me wonder what the hell I am going to do with myself when in my rookie year i will either have to teach ECON or World Religions. Gosh, I hope there's a World Religions for Dummies book out there someplace. Anyways, so far so good. Like I said the goal is to be finished with this plan by Noon tomorrow. Then, on to 502 revision of my Lit. Review, which for a second time was absolutely hacked up by Professor "Z". And to think, I previously considered myself a fairly "strong" writer...but he has done a very good job at refuting that! It's not like I am submitting this research to a journal for publication...??? Anyone else feel the same way?

The gym, and moreso very long runs have been my savior over the past month or so. If I had time, I feel like my mind and body would be much more in sync if I could get one done right not but that is just impossible. It'll have to wait till later this evening...my least favorite time for running!

So, there it is. A quick one. Not too interesting but 1 more down and 1 more closer to yet another assignment completed! See ya'll ini 1 1/2 hours! PowerPoint presentation tonigth...ohhh, how exciting!

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